Fabulous Fluids: Why Older Adults Need Them More

It’s important to stay hydrated as we grow older. A geriatrician tells us its importance. 

As one ages, the feeling of thirst tends to decrease, making older adults more susceptible to fluid and electrolyte disorders, which can lead to several complications. 

Dehydration is very common in older adults and frequently leads to an imbalance in fluid and electrolytes. The causes are varied. Certain medical conditions and medications can also affect the ability to retain fluids. Always have regular health check-ups with your geriatrician. Remember that your fluid intake might need to be modified depending on your diseases, especially renal, liver and heart disease.

Dementia patients may forget to drink fluids and might also have difficulty swallowing. Certain drugs can also cause frequent urination which might deplete water and electrolytes in the body. Furthermore, older adults who experience incontinence often purposely refuse or limit fluids to avoid accidents. Dehydration can occur more quickly than you might anticipate and can harm you before you have a chance to rehydrate. Here's how to watch out for it.

Symptoms of dehydration:

Here are the initial signs 

Headache, constipation, muscle cramps, dry mouth and tongue, and sleepiness or lethargy. Urine colour is another helpful indicator and should be clear or light yellow for someone who is properly hydrated.

Signs of Severe Dehydration

  • Little or no urination
  • Dark or amber-coloured urine
  • Dry skin that stays folded when pinched
  • Irritability, dizziness, or confusion
  • Low blood pressure
  • Rapid breathing and heartbeat
  • Weak pulse
  • Cold hands and feet

What are the remedies and how can we ensure older adults stay well hydrated?

How one serves beverages can also affect a loved one’s willingness and ability to drink them. Individual preferences vary regarding the palatability of different temperatures. Experiment with serving temperatures for beverages to see if you can make them more appealing. Increasing the number of juices like fresh lime water (Nimbu pani), coconut water (Nariyal pani), milkshakes, and smoothies could help.

We may not think of it, but attractive drinkware can be important in making an older adult take in fluid. Someone with low vision might be able to see an opaque, brightly coloured cup more easily than a traditional water glass and therefore drink from it more often. Particularly resistant seniors may find a beverage more appetizing if it is served in a pretty glass or garnished. 

For those with swallowing difficulties, tremors, arthritis, motor skill problems or muscular weakness, there’s specialised drinkware that may help. Cups with two handles, a no-spill lid, a built-in straw, or ergonomic features may simplify the process and prevent spills.


Hydrating foods for Older adults

Raw fruits and vegetables work well, including cucumber, tomato, watermelon, grapes, oranges and apples

If older adults have an aversion to raw fruits and vegetables, try adding berries in desserts, yoghurt and cereal.

If you are an older adult or a caregiver to one,  be alert to dehydration as it is preventable and saves you from future health complications.

To our readers: How do you remind yourself to drink water/fluids regularly? Share your trips and tricks with us.

Images courtesy: Pixabay

About the author

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Dr Naganath Narasimhan Prem

Dr Naganath Narasimhan Prem is MBBS, MD Geriatric Medicine and Consultant Geriatrician, Elderly Care Specialist at Jaslok Hospital and Research Center, Mumbai. He also heads the dedicated one of its kind Geriatric Care department at Jaslok Hospital and is passionate about spreading the word on the importance of geriatric care management and services for senior citizens.

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07 Sep, 2023

A very essential article. I keep small bottles of water at places I sit more during the day as I feel lazy to get up to fetch water. specially during the nights . cucumber keeps me feel good.

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18 Sep, 2022

A very useful article. I too don’t always remember to rehydrate myself, so I keep bottles of water at various places in the house so that 1) I have water accessible everywhere 2) Seeing the bottles reminds me to drink some water now and then

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